Saturday 17 January 2015

Quilters' Quarter Day

Finally got the time to blog about the first Quilters' Quarter Day last Saturday!

Sometimes you just need to try something new as there's nothing worse than wondering "what if?". And after umming and ahhing about it for most of last year I made the decision to have a pop up shop a few times a year; quarterly to be exact. Hence the name of my events!

The second week in January in a village hall in rural Hertfordshire might not be the best way to try out something new, but apart from the wind we were lucky it was a lovely day. 
I was truly humbled by the number of quilters who came along, some from quite some distance away! I think everyone went away happy with their fabric goodies and homemade cakes!

Here's a couple of pics of the hall before I opened

And ladies enjoying cake!

The next QQD is 11 April at Rushden Village Hall. Check out the website for more info


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